questions & answers
What are the reasons that this job is being highlighted as a case study?​
First of all, we love producing work for the Globe Theatre as they are such a lovely team of people and such a pleasure to work with. The communication, planning, artwork, organisation and clarity about the whole job was fantastic from start to finish, it really helped us out immensely when it came to getting all of this produced and installed. We are highlighting this job specifically due to the sheer scale of the overall job. The size of the graphics were mostly all huge, the area we were installing was huge and the space we had to cover was huge. So for us it was a big job from the get go, from artworking all the files correctly, organising all of the visuals and plans of where the graphics had to go, getting the machines loaded up for printing, then printing and finishing all of the graphics, to packing and loading up the van for install. Due to the variety of graphics we had to print, it was an intense few days to get all of this printed but wow what an impact it had in the building once all of the graphics were up. Credit to the design team as well, everything looked amazing. Here at JBF Digital Limited, we love big jobs as it gives us a chance to really show off our printing quality and quality overall in terms of organisation, planning, producing and installing.​
What did you love about this job in particular?
The overall buzz you get with a job this size, the whole team was really excited to get stuck into another big job and we all came together as one unit to get this all done. The teamwork, focus, skill and hard work that was all used within this job in particular was just brilliant, we loved every second of it.​
What challenges did you have to overcome?
There were actually very little challenges with this job, luckily. The planning was excellent from the beginning which really helped us out. I would say that the most challenging part of this job was installing the graphics, as you can see by the images above... The graphics are all massive, and mostly at a high level. Which meant we had to take extra care with our safety and awareness whilst installing these graphics. A site survey was carried out prior to installation which already highlighted some possible obstacles we had to overcome during installation but because we already knew about this beforehand we could easily deal with all obstacles that came our way. But I would say the height and awkwardness of the locations of the graphics were challenging, but that said, what a fantastic installation. Our team really came together and got the job done.​
What materials did you use to complete this job?
A variety of materials were used to complete this job, such as: PVC Banner, Wall Wrap Vinyls, Permanent Vinyls, Acrylic, Foamboard, ACM and Fabric Wallcovering.​
How long did the installation take?​​
In total I would say around 2 days, we mostly got everything done in a day with a team of installers. But I like to go back the next day to just tidy up some loose ends and go over everything one more time just to double check the quality of our work and make sure everything is done 100% correctly and we are happy with the job which we was. We also had to install a few more smaller prints on the second day that were sent over late the evening before.​
What was the biggest graphic you installed?​​
In terms of size, I would say the pillars were definitely the tallest towering at around 15m high.​
What did you find difficult about the whole job?​​
As stated above, I would say the installation had its difficulties due to the heights. But other than that, I would say the transportation and storage was a little difficult due to the size of the graphics, but this wasn't a big problem at all.​
How long did the production take to produce this job?​​
We had everything printed within a day, a long day.. The JBF team pulled together and worked a long shift to get everything done, finished and packed ready for installation.​
What time of day was the installation?​​
We start all of our installs early in the morning around 7am, this gives us then a full whole day to get all of the graphics up and installed.
How many installers did it take to put all of these graphics up?​​
We had a team of 4 installers for this job.​
If you done this job again, what would you have done differently?​​
Absolutely nothing, we love jobs at this scale bigger the better!
What were the clients successes after you produced all of this work for them?​​
Increased brand visibility, increased organic footfall, increased interest for the events and more income for us due to higher footfall because of all the attention the graphics created